One of the best ways to avoid a fight in your relationship is having good and constant communication. As humans, we communicate several thousand times a day. There are many ways in which we communicate, and they can be broken down into the categories of verbal and nonverbal communication. Verbal communication is done mainly through speaking and how we speak to one another. Nonverbal communication can sometimes be overlooked and consists of body language, facial expression, touch, behavior, etc.
It can be hard to determine what is being communicated from nonverbal communication. Males give off different and significantly less signals that women. For example, in general, women tend to smile more than men. People can take this communication in different ways, like if a woman were to smile at a guy, he could take that as she is sexual attracted to me, but in reality, she was just acknowledging him and coming off kind.
Another thing that is interesting mainly with verbal communication is the way you present the way you feel orally. For example, if you are upset, you can form that message in many different ways such as “I’m a little upset right now” as opposed to “I am angry with you!”. So, when you communicate with someone especially a partner, you should be aware of how they will react and in what way your message would be received the clearest. Knowing this, it is important to note that if you come off attacking that person, they will immediately go on the defense and that usually results in a problem instead of the hopeful solution. A good way to gain a better understanding of the other person’s feelings is as we are listening, repeat back to your partner what they said and make sure you understand what they are saying. The listener must put in more work that the talker. When you are more open with your partner, the less opportunities you will have to not be upset or offended.
Correcting at the right time with surgical precision. There is a right time for each correcting and there is also a wrong time like pruning a fruit tree at the wrong season would potentially kill the tree.
There is also communication with parents to children. As parents, there shouldn’t be any disrespect towards the children, and it is important to not bring the children up into wrath and anger. Now obviously there should be discipline, but there is even a right way and a wrong way to discipline the children. It must be done out of love rather than out of anger.
If you are familiar with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints, the fifteen main general authorities gather in the temple and have meetings to pray for inspiration on what needs to be done in the church. After this, they council and make plans. You could imagine fifteen strong voiced men coming up with big decisions being lead by the spirit of course might be intense with disagreements and arguments. However, this is not the case, if there is an opposed person to a certain way they will not leave that room till everybody is in accordance with a set plan. Now if fifteen experienced church leader can all come to an agreement, why couldn’t a family come up with rules, plans and so forth? These family councils should always be done with love and respect in order to gain that desired unity. Each member of the family can and should contribute to the family and support each other family member, because lets be honest this life can be tough sometimes. These councils should especially take place in the foundation of the family which is the husband and wife. They should be able to discuss problems and be understanding towards one another. These councils would be even better when you invite God into your relationship. He will do wonders and bless your family and relationship with understanding in difficult times and high moral standards to promote trust in your relationship.
I hope you found this information helpful.